Wrapping up 2013

Hello Friends & Family  =) I just wanted to say a BIG THANK-YOU to everyone for walking through 2013 with me.  To those living life with me, as I am learning to really starting to enjoying it and discovering what it means for me to be living it to the fullest. ...

Home Renovations: A Tale of 2 Mistakes

Mistakes happen… That’s my lesson today in my renovations journey. That mistakes happen and it’s okay, cause we can just do what we need to do to fix them… Today had promised to be one of those, things are really going to start coming together...

First Investment House

So…one of the big things that has been going on since the 3 days prior to my anniversary cruise get-away was the purchase of an investment property (this happened within the 3 days before the cruise — our realtor found this listing pop up with a big price...

Seeking after “Supernatural Time”

We learn in Luke 18:27 from Jesus that,“What is impossible with man is possible with God.” While this passage isn’t specifically talking about time (but about the possibility of salvation for seemingly impossible people groups), God has been challenging me this...

Wrapping up my Whirlwind Summer

This Summer has been one of my busiest ever, so I opted to let it all happen first whilst taking a break from writing… (Hopefully everyone was out enjoying the summer as much as possible as well!)  It made me realize how much I appreciate school and just the...

First Big Family Vacation: It went well =)

So, I have returned now from our first vacation as a family of 5 + Grandma.  A week filled with “firsts” for my 16 month old son, Trevor — first plane rides, first time swimming in a pool, first time sleeping and “living” somewhere other...
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