

“What a man desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar.” (Proverbs 19:22)

I have always believed that relationships are key to our lives as human beings, and all the $ or status or power in the world cannot even come close to the impact even one truly good, close relationship can have on our joy and sense of wholeness or well-being.  Nothing is ultimately greater than love!

Often, however, truly good and healthy, close relationships can be the most difficult thing in the world to build and cultivate in our lives.  It most certainly does not happen without being intentional about it and prioritizing the task…and also without the cultivation and application of wisdom to go against the tide of judging one another by appearances versus what is going on deeper in our hearts.

At the same time, if this is truly what our human hearts need and were created for at the end of the day, then nothing else on this earth can be a more worthwhile pursuit!

And so it has been and remains a big priority in my life to understand and build healthy, life-giving relationships–ever improving in my capacity to relate and to love, and in my ability to communicate better especially in and through conflict, knowing and being known within the precious relationships God has both blessed me with and entrusted into my care–and to help others to pursue the same.


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